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 Thermal Measurement Meters

  WBGT-101 - Heat Index Meter

Heat Index Meter WBGT-101
   (not CE conformed)

    • Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is commonly used as a guidance for environmental heat stress to prevent heat stroke during physical exercise or while at work.
    • WBGT as a measurement method to determine heat stress given to human body at work in thermally harsh environment is specified in ISO 7243 under the title; Hot Process & Environments - Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT-index (wet bulb globe temperature).
    • Below chart of WBGT-index shows the criterion of heat stress warning specified by Japan Athletic Society in order to prevent heat stroke:
      WBGT[°C] Types of warning and required rest 
      Below 21 Safe (needs occasional supply of water)
      21 - 25 Note (needs immediate supply of water)
      25 - 28 Caution (needs to take rest)
      28 - 31 Warning (Stop active physical exercise)
      Above 31 Dangerous (Cancel physical exercise)
    • Maximum 1,000 sets of data can be stored, and continuous measurement by automatic sampling is possible.
    • Measuring result data can be printed out by the optional printer.


Type and model name WBGT-101 Heat Index Meter
Measurement data ・WBGT, Temperature, Humidity, Wet bulb temp. and Glob temp.
・WBGT data can be switched Outdoor or Indoor.
Measuring range
WBGT : 0 - 50°C
Temperature : 0 - 50°C
Wet bulb temp. : 0 - 50°C
Humidity : 10 – 90%RH
Glob temp. : 0 - 50°C
WBGT : ±1.0°C (at 1°C)
Temperature : ±0.5°C (at 1°C, without radiation effect)
: ±1.0°C (at 1°C, with radiation at ±20°C)
Humidity : ±3% (at 20-80%RH)
Glob temp. : ±0.5°C (at 1°C)
Ambient condition Ambient temperature : 0 - 40°C
Radiation temperature : 0 - 50°C
Stored data 1,000 sets
Sampling interval 1 – 99 minute
External I/O RS-232C for printer…1 ch.
Power source AM-3 : 1.5V dry cell 4pcs.
1.5V dry cell .................................................... 4 pcs.
Tripod .............................................................. 1 pce
Cramp head ..................................................... 1 pce
Measuring part ............................................... 1 set
Hard case ........................................................ 1 pce
Operating manual ........................................... 1 copy

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